Querid@s  alumn@s y famil@s Espero que todos os encontréis muy bien. A través de este blog subiré las tareas a realizar cada semana y los e...

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

June 1-5

Hello Everyone! Welcome to June! This week we have many virtual excursions!

ENGLISH: Daily Routines and Time (Do before each lesson)


You know the drill! Stand up, shake your arms and legs, LETS STRETCH! 

🏃 First, stretch your body. Your neck, arms, wrists, and wiggle your hands and feet.

😃 Second, look at the calendar, and tell your parent, brother, sister, whoever you can...

- "Today is ______ (Monday? Tuesday? FRIDAY?!?!)
- Yesterday was _______ (Sunday? Wednesday?)
- Tomorrow will be __________ (you know what to do ;)

🎉 Third, say the DATE, for example: Today is Monday the 1st of June, 2020

☀ Fourth, look out the window, (or, go outside!) and tell your family what the weather is like

"I think that today is _______(Sunny? Cloudy? Rainy?) and ________ (Hot?, Mild?, Cool?)"

Do they agree with you? 

👀 Where were you yesterday? I was...

😊 New questions for routine:
1. What do you do in the morning before going to school? First, Then, After that, Finally...
2. How do you go to school? I go to school on foot/ by car/ by underground/ by train...
3. What things can you see on your way to school? I can see...
4. Describe your way to school

Opening Songs

Goodbye song


Let's get ready for videoconferences!! If you're joining Wes's videoconferences this week, you can click here to practice the questions he will ask you. The topic of this week is jobs in our community.

If you haven't signed up for a video conference, and would like to, you can sign up here, at the bottom of the sheet, you'll see a tab that says SARA C/D. Click the tab and write your students name and email in a time slot on Tuesday or Thursday from 15:00-16:30 that's available. 

LESSON 1: Review

1) Watch this video about feelings
    - Answer this question: How do you feel today? Today, I feel... 

2) Today we are going on an excursion to the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, in London. 
   - Click here to make a virtual visit (much easier on the mobile phone)
   - What animals (or animal skeletons) can you see? I can see...

3) Pupil's Book. Review
4) Activity Book: Review

LESSON 2: 21st Century Skills

1) Answer this question: How do you feel today? Today, I feel...

2) Today's excursion is to JURASSIC PARK!!
    - Watch this video
    - Answer this question: 
"What is Grandpa Cookie Monster's favourite kind of cookie?"

3) Pupil's Book: 21st century skills
4) Activity Book: 21st century skills

LESSON 3: Vocabulary 
1) Answer this question: How do you feel today? Today, I feel... 

2) Today's excursion: SOROLLA MUSEUM
  - Click here for a virtual tour
  - What is your favourite painting in this museum? What's its name?

3) Worksheet: Vocabulary Booster

LESSON 4Grammar

1) Answer this question: How do you feel today? Today, I feel... 

2) Today, we are going to talk about the past: WAS/WERE
   - Watch this video

3) Worksheet: Grammar Booster


1) Answer this question: How do you feel today? Today, I feel...

2) Friday excursion to the COUNTRYSIDE!!
  - Watch this video in which Peppa and her family go on a Nature Trail.
  - Answer this question: 
"Which animal helps the Peppa family find their car?" 

3) Do this Nature Diary when you go outdoors (you can do it during a whole month everytime you go to the park or the countryside)





- Bicycle safety for kids:
- How to cross the road:
- Book: page 79



- Let's begin watching this video:

- Answer this question:
1. How do you feel today? today I feel...
2. Why? Because...

- Cut and colour this emotions wheel


Cierra los ojos y escucha esta canción:

Mientras la escuches, piensa en una palabra que resuma lo que ha supuesto para ti este curso.
Cuando la tengas, escríbela en un papel.
Si quieres puedes decorarlo con dibujos, más palabras o con lo que queráis.


1. Recordad que podéis ir mandando las tareas que hagan vuestros hijos a mi correo electrónico :

2. Hay partes de la rutina diaria que cambian un poco esta semana, en relación a las canciones y las preguntas.

3. Videoconferencias con Wes:
El link para apuntaros están al inicio de las lecciones de la asignatura de inglés. por si hubiera algún problema, lo pongo a continuación:

- Aquí: here podéis acceder al material para practicar lo que váis a trabajar con él. 

- Pinchad aquí: here. para inscribiros, el martes o el jueves de 15:00 a 16:30

4. Al final de la sección d Arts and Crafts, los niños pueden seguir colgando sus trabajos favoritos si así lo desean.

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2020

May 25-29

Hello Everyone! Welcome to the last week of May! Can you believe it? It's almost SUMMER! 

ENGLISH: Daily Routines and Time (Do before each lesson)


You know the drill! Stand up, shake your arms and legs, LETS STRETCH! 

🏃 First, stretch your body. Your neck, arms, wrists, and wiggle your hands and feet.

😃 Second, look at the calendar, and tell your parent, brother, sister, whoever you can...

- "Today is ______ (Monday? Tuesday? FRIDAY?!?!)
- Yesterday was _______ (Sunday? Wednesday?)
- Tomorrow will be __________ (you know what to do ;)

🎉 Third, say the DATE, for example: Today is Monday the 18th of May, 2020

☀ Fourth, look out the window, (or, go outside!) and tell your family what the weather is like

"I think that today is _______(Sunny? Cloudy? Rainy?) and ________ (Hot?, Mild?, Cool?)"

Do they agree with you? 

Opening Songs

Goodbye song



Let's get ready for videoconferences!! If you're joining Wes's videoconferences this week, you can click here to practice the questions he will ask you. The topic of this week is family. Make sure you bring a photo of your family to show your group. 

If you haven't signed up for a video conference, and would like to, you can sign up here. Times for our classes are in green, Tuesday or Thursday from 15:00-16:30

LESSON 1: Vocabulary
- Answer this question: WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? Yesterday I WAS (at the park, supermarket, home...)
- Vocabulary worksheet

LESSON 2: Grammar
- Answer this question: WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? Yesterday I WAS (at the park, supermarket, home...) 
- Grammar worksheet

LESSON 3: Toby's Tongue Twister
- Answer this question: WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? Yesterday I WAS (at the park, supermarket, home...)
- Review the Who's that? song from last week
- Pupil's Book (lesson 5): listen and say Toby's Tongue Twister. Then, do the activities.
- Activity Book: Phonics 
   activities 1 and 2
   activity 3 (optional)

LESSON 4: British Culture. You are going to learn about summer holidays in Britain
- Answer this question: WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? Yesterday I WAS (at the park, supermarket, home...)
- pupil's Book (lesson 6): What can you see? Let's listen and read.
  Practice reading out loud
- Activity Book: British culture
  activity 1: Listen and number. Write
  activity 2: Think about you culture

LESSON 5Writing a Diary
- Answer this question: WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? Yesterday I WAS (at the park, supermarket, home...)
- Pupil's Book (Lesson 7): Literacy: A Diary
  Activities 1 and 2
  Read activity 2 out loud
- Activity Book: (")
  activity 1: Think about the diary. Read and write
  activity 2: Write your own diary and draw


LESSON 1: NATURAL SC. UNIT 5: Let´s review!! 
- Watch the videos AGAIN:
  1) Sing the song, think about the properties of different materials Here
  2) Let's learn more about the properties of materials Here
  3) Do you know the three states of matter? Learn with the song, Here
  4) Solid, liquid, and gas, they all have mass!
  5) What is a liquid? George Lopez and Elmo explain it to us Here!
  6) Can we change a liquid to a solid? Let's learn how Here
  7) My video telling you about changes Here 

- Read the unit again 
- Review the activities you have done

LESSON 2: NATURAL SC UNIT 5: Check what you have learnt!!
- Do this worksheet about unit 5 (without looking at your notes 😉)

- STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! THINK! Sing the song!
What things do you look for when crossing the road?
What things do you listen for when crossing the road?
Why is it important to think when we're in the street? 
- Book: look at pages 74 and 75 with Wes here
- Do activities 1 to 5 (If you want to, here are the lyrics of the song 🙆)


- Book page 76: Listen to the story

- Do activity 1


This week you are going to mix two different arts: Music an Drawing

For that, you will choose one of these music pieces:

Then, pick up a piece of paper or cardboard and some material to draw, colour and paint (you are free to use any material)

Finally, play the chosen music and let your hand dance

ART SHOW: If you want to show your favourite art projects, you can do it here


¿Os acordáis de la película que vimos en clase titulada DEL REVÉS?
Esta semana vamos a recordar las emociones que aparecían en la película.

La actividad consiste en elegir una de ellas y hacer un collage con la emoción elegida.

Para ello ya sabéis que podéis utilizar tanto recortes de revistas, como cualquier otro material (incluso con volumen)


1. Recordad que podéis ir mandando las tareas que hagan vuestros hijos a mi correo electrónico :

2. En Arts and Crafts, por si hubiera alguna confusión a la hora de entender la tarea, los niños deben elegir una de las 3 piezas musicales y dibujar o pintar aquéllo que la música les sugiera. no tiene por qué ser algo concreto. Lo importante es dejar "bailar" a su mano 💃

Al final de la sección de Arts los niños pueden seguir compartiendo sus obras de arte favoritas, si así lo desean.

3. Videoconferencias con Wes:
El link para apuntaros están al inicio de las lecciones de la asignatura de inglés. por si hubiera algún problema, lo pongo a continuación:

- Aquí: here podéis acceder al material para practicar lo que váis a trabajar con él. El tema de esta semana es la familia. Es importante que para el momento de la videoconferencia los niños tengan una foto de su familia para enseñar al grupo.

- Pinchad aquí: here. para inscribiros. La hora de nuestras clases están en color verde, el martes o el jueves de 15:00 a 16:30

4. Espero de corazón que todos estéis bien. Un beso muy grande a todos

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

May 18-22

Hello Everyone! I hope you had a great weekend, and are all ready for MORE LEARNING! :) Here's what we have for this week:

ENGLISH: Daily Routines and Time (Do before each lesson)


I would like you to start each lesson with a warmup, just like we did in class!

🏃 First, stretch your body. Your neck, arms, wrists, and wiggle your hands and feet.

😃 Second, look at the calendar, and tell your parent, brother, sister, whoever you can...

- "Today is ______ (Monday? Tuesday? FRIDAY?!?!)
- Yesterday was _______ (Sunday? Wednesday?)
- Tomorrow will be __________ (you know what to do ;)

🎉 Third, say the DATE, for example: Today is Monday the 18th of May, 2020

☀ Fourth, look out the window, (or, go outside!) and tell your family what the weather is like

"I think that today is _______(Sunny? Cloudy? Rainy?) and ________ (Hot?, Mild?, Cool?)"

Do they agree with you? 

Opening Songs

Goodbye song



Let's get ready for videoconferences!! If you're joining Wes's videoconferences this week, you can click here to practice the questions he will ask you.

If you haven't signed up for a video conference, and would like to, you can sign up here

LESSON 1: Song and vocabulary

Now that we are allowed to go outside and walk around town, it's important that we remember the names of the different buildings we see! 

1) Video: Let's review places in town

2) Peppa Pig in the Funfair. 
-Watch this chapter here.and answer this question orally: What does Peppa do with the giant bears?

3)Pupil's Book lesson 1: Song and vocabulary

4) Activity Book lesson 1 (si no podés acceder, no pasa nada)
- activity 1: Read and match
- activity 2: Look and write


How was your weekend? What did you do? Where did you go? Let's practice answering these types of questions so we can tell our friends and teachers about our lives :)

1) Video (where were you yesterday?)

2) Pupil's Book lesson 2: Grammar

3) Activity Book lesson 2
- activity 1: Where were they yesterday?
- activity 2: Where were you yesterday?


1) Pupil's Book lesson 3: Listen to the story and read

2) Activity Book lesson 3. Activities about the story 


1) Video irregular plurals

2) Video descriptions

3) Pupil's Book lesson 4. Vocabulary and grammar
- Vocabulary
- Song
- Speaking activity

4) Activity Book lesson 4. Vocabulary and grammar
- Look and write.
- Read and listen. Match

LESSON 5: routines and time revision

Our routines are very important. They can help keep us healthy and feeling good each and every day. When our normal routines are interrupted, we often feel bad. So, let's talk about the routines that we do each day!

1) Watch this video:  

2) Now, play this game.

3) Watch this video and focus on the use of: ALWAYS, SOMETIMES and NEVER

4) Do these Reviewing worksheets:


LESSON 1: Changes in materials

We know that we can bend, stretch, or even tear some materials. But did you know that materials also change when we heat them up or cool them down? Let's learn about what happens when we heat or cool different materials. 

1) Watch what happens when we apply heat to different things:

2) Natural Science Book page 74


- You will be experimenting with cooling different materials.

- Choose the materials you want to cool and put them in the fridge or freezer.

- Some examples of mterials you can use are:
   oil + water
   cork stopper
   a piece of fruit
   food colouring + water
   a plastic toy into a glass of water

- Draw the results using this worksheet here

LESSON 2: Mixtures

If you're like me, you see mixtures every morning. Your bowl of cereal, that's a heterogeneous mixture! The tasty glass of ColaCao that you drink with breakfast, that's a homogeneous mixture! But, what does this mean? Lets find out! 

1) Watch Wes explain the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures in Wes's video

2) Now, find some things around the house and do the worksheet "What's it made of?"


1) Natural Science book page 75

LESSON 4: Review

1) Natural Science book pages 76 and 77

2) Review the unit: on Tuesday you will do a worksheet without looking at your notes, to see what you have learnt ;)


1. Answer these questions to begin:
- How many seasons are there? 
- What movement of the Earth creates the seasons?
- What's your favourite season? Why?
- What do you do in spring?

2. This week I would like you to make a spring tree.

3. For that, 
- First of all go for a walk and get inspired by the nature you find in your neighbourhood.
- After that, choose one of these tecniques:







- Finally, do it!! Don't forget that you are free to create it as you want, it is your masterpiece and (the most important thing) it will be unique... as unique as you are 💚

Wes started a slide show showing art projects that students have created! If you would like to add your art to the show, you can do so here


Esta semana vamos a fijar nuestra atención en esas pequeñas cosas, acciones, que hacen el mundo, nuestro mundo y el de nuestro seres queridos, mucho más grande.

1. Para ello, cada día te ocuparás de hacer una buen acción, por ejemplo:
- Llamar a mi tía para interesarme en cómo se encuentra.
- Ayudar a mis padres a organizar lo que compran en el supermercado.
- Preparar el desayuno a mi herman@.
- Escribir una nota de agradecimiento al cartero o cartera.
- Reciclar o reusar algo.
- Pedir las cosas por favor.
- Dar las gracias.
- Sonreír a la gente por la calle. 
- Dar los buenos días a un desconocido.

2. Hacer un diario, redacción o carta sobre estas acciones. Para ello, podéis utilizar esta plantilla:

3. El objetivo está en valorar el efecto que estos actos tienen en nuestro interior, así como en los demás. Cuidar a las personas que forman parte de nuestra vida, del mismo modo que cuidarnos a nosotros mismos, es bueno que nos salga de forma natural, diariamente, más que un evento excepcional. 

Have a great week!! I miss you and love you so much 😊💕


1. Recordad que podéis ir mandando las tareas que hagan vuestros hijos a mi correo electrónico :

2. Al final de la sección de Arts and Crafts los niños que así lo deseen pueden colgar sus trabajos favoritos de Arts, así como escribir su nombre. Vemos conveniente que sean ellos los que decidan si quieren exponer sus obras de arte para que se sientan más cómodos.

3. El lunes que viene, día 25 de mayo, la tarea de Natural Science será repasar lo aprendido en la unidad (volver a ver los vídeos y revisar los contenidos y actividades realizadas).

3. En la página web del colegio hay información sobre el programa ACCEDE.

4. ¡Lo estáis haciendo genial! 

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020

May 11-14

Hello Everyone! Hope you had a great weekend, and are all ready for MORE LEARNING! YAY! :) Here's what we have for this week

ENGLISH: Daily Routines and Time (Do before each lesson)


I would like you to start each lesson with a warmup, just like we did in class!

First, stretch your body. Your neck, arms, wrists, and wiggle your hands and feet.

Second, look at the calendar, and tell your parent, brother, sister, whoever you can...

"Today is ______ (Monday? Tuesday? FRIDAY?!?!)
Yesterday was _______ (Sunday? Wednesday?)
Tomorrow will be __________ (you know what to do ;)

Third, look out the window, (or, go outside!) and tell your family what the weather is like

"I think that today is _______(Sunny? Cloudy? Rainy?) and ________ (Hot?, Mild?, Cool?)"

Do they agree with you? 

Last, listen and sing this opening song. It's a fun song about animals who climb a clock. 

Listen HERE

Lesson 1: Telling Time

1) Tick, tock, lets learn about the clock! Here

  • Can you find a digital clock in your house? What about an analog clock? 

2) Now we know about clocks, lets learn more about TELLING TIME! Are you ready? Here
  • When do we say, "O' Clock"?
3) Wow! This kid made his own clock! Lets watch how he learns to tell time! Here
  • When do we say, "Half past"? or "Quarter past"? 
4) Phew! There sure are a lot of terms to remember when we're telling time! Quarter to and quarter past are a bit tricky, let's practice them some more Here
  • Remember that a 'Quarter' means that there are four parts! So how many 'Quarters' are in one hour? 
Lesson 2: Daily Routines 

What time do you wake up in the morning? What time do you eat? These are our routines! 

1) Watch and learn about Peter Pumpkins daily routine Here
  • What time does Peter Pumpkin start school? Do we start earlier or later at Miguel de Unamuno (normally)?
2) Now, lets learn about Tommy's routine Here 
  • What does Tommy do after he has breakfast? What time does Tommy have breakfast? 
3) Listen to Mark and Nicole talk about their routines Here
  • What time does Mark leave school? Does he leave school earlier or later than we do at Miguel de Unamuno? 
4) Some students at another Spanish school made a video about their daily routines! Watch it Here

Now, watch this video where Wes tells us about HIS daily routine! Watch Here

Your turn! Tell me about your routine with this worksheet Here

Lesson 3: Ordinal Numbers and Before-School Routines

1) Do you remember the ordinal numbers? FIRST, let's review! Here
  • First, jump. Second, clap. Third, turn around. Fourth, dance dance dance!
  • Can you think of something to do after dance? What comes Fifth???
2) Stand up! Let's dance! This song is super fun, let's see your moves! Here

4) Make a Video! (If you can! If you can't, just tell this to someone in your family)

My Routine
"First, I ___________ 
After that, I _________ 
Next, I __________ 
Then, I ________ 
Finally, I _______ 

If you are able to make a video, please send it to me!

5) Do this worksheet about what you do in the morning before school Here

Lesson 4: Reading 

Listen and read along with these stories

2) All about Claude Monet

A message from Sara,

Queridos padres. La semana que viene comenzaremos con la  unidad 9 de ingles.

Ya que no tenéis el libro físico :(, hemos hablado con Macmillan y nos ha dado códigos para que todos los alumnos puedan acceder al libro de inglés (No NAVIO, sino el libro digital) y al Activity Book. Para ello hay que meter esos códigos en la aplicación de NAVIO. Si os da problemas no pasa nada, pues tenemos la opción de continuar trabajando con NAVIO.

Os adjunto el documento con los códigos para todos los alumnos. Espero que a lo largo de la semana podáis acceder a él, y así estar todos preparados para la semana que viene :)

Book Codes Here

Natural Science Unit 5: Materials

Lesson 1: Properties of Materials

1) Sing the song, think about the properties of different materials Here

2) Let's learn more about the properties of materials Here
  • Do you arrange your toys at home? What properties do you use? Big? Small? Colour? 
3) Natural Science book page 71. Read the box and do Activity 1

4) Do the worksheet Here

Lesson 2: Which Material do we Need? 

1) Natural Science book page 72. Read and do activities 1 and 2

2) Do the worksheet Here and check your answers Here

Lesson 3: Solids and Liquids

1) Do you know the three states of matter? Learn with the song, Here

  • Solid, liquid, and gas, they all have mass!
2) Hm, what is a liquid? George Lopez and Elmo explain it to us Here!

3) Can we change a liquid to a solid? Let's learn how Here

4) Natural Science book page 73. Read and do activities 1 and 2. 

Lesson 4: Changes (no books)

Objects change is we stretch, squeeze, bend, heat, or cool them. 

These changes can be either reversible, or irreversible. 

Let's watch a video about these changes Here 


Try heating different some materials and see what happens! Do this worksheet


This week we will enjoy one of my favourite painters, Claude Monet. Watch these videos and get inspired by some of his greatest works

Video 1

Video 2 "Walk inside the waterlily pond"

Video 3

Now, choose one of his masterpieces, and create your OWN! This can be in any form you want (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.) and any material. Remember to send me your work! 


Visionar la siguiente historia: aqui

Como veis, esta historia es muda; la narración de vale de la imagen y no de la palabra.

Esta semana os vais a convertir en guionistas de cine. Vuestra misión será hacer, oralmente o por escrito, un guión para este mini cortometraje :)